Enterprisingly Me x

Enterprisingly Me is a monthly feature where you can follow my entrepreneurial adventures. Names have been changed to protect the innocent but everything you read really happened. I hope my story inspires you to take your first steps, or if you already have, then it lets you know you’re not on your own. Starting and […]

10 Ways to Make Your Workplace Happier

Mind-blowing fact: The happier your employees, the more successful your company. Happy employees are more creative, innovative and dedicated than their unhappy counterparts. And, they’re more likely to stick around long-term. Sound too good to be true? Many studies & workplace reports show that happiness has a direct correlation to your business’s bottom line. In particular, a study cited by […]

Celebrating Enterprise: Haydar Ali-Ismail

The Celebrating Enterprise Awards 2019 is fast approaching so we’re taking a look back over last years’ winners in anticipation of the awards which will take place at the House of Lords on the 3rd October. One of the most notable receivers of an award last year was the Enterprising Learner of the Year, Haydar Ali-Ismail. Ali was […]

What Does Suspended Parliament Mean for SMEs?

UK businesses are watching events in parliament with growing frustration and alarm, judging by this statement from Dr Adam Marshall, director general of the British Chambers of Commerce: “Businesses feel like Westminster is playing an endless game of political chess, while their futures and the health of the UK economy hang in the balance. “Every move in this game […]

Being an outstanding mentor to your apprentice

Every apprentice needs a workplace mentor – someone there every day who understands and supports their learning and development needs, and the concerns that go along with settling into a new role.So here’s a few tips on how to look after your apprentice successfully. Don’t assume it’ll be easy because you’re already a manager It’s […]

The Mind Culture Report

Supporting employees’ mental wellbeing is a critical business issue for organisations, but it’s hard to know where to start. The Institute of Leadership & Management’s latest thought leadership research report: Mind Culture reveals alarming new statistics on how mental health is handled by managers; but more importantly, gives practical solutions on how workplaces can move forward and […]

The Start Up Mindset

Startups are born to scale. They’re created to search for and validate a scalable business model in a way that can have a major impact on the market or how a problem has traditionally been solved. The innovation, disruption and scalability aspects of a startup are why they are different from small businesses and more […]

International Youth Day 2019

Today marks the annual celebration of International Youth Day. It is an international day of awareness, recognizing youth across the globe and empowering the world’s youth to make positive contributions to their communities and nations. International Youth Day is not to be confused with World Youth Day. World Youth Day was founded by Pope John Paul […]

Westminster’s Business & Brexit Meeting

Meeting in Westminster on 31 July 2019, senior representatives from businesses including Tate and Lyle Sugars, JML Group, Tangle Teezer, Laing O’Rourke, Scottish Power and 50 Cycles told the Business Secretary how they were ready and determined to seize the opportunities of a post-Brexit Britain. They explained that while there were some concerns about readiness […]