What a more important time to raise awareness than after a year of lockdowns and pandemic stress. Whether you’ve been working from home or socially distancing at work, the year of uncertainty has been tough for us all. Mental health should be brought to the forefront of business now more than ever, the important question […]
News and Blog Articles
Welcome Back to the University of Worcester!
Welcome back to the University of Worcester, who have recently successful reapproved as an IOEE Centre of Excellence! We spoke to Dr Karen Bill who currently works in the Marketing and Enterprise Department in the Business School at the University and has an extensive background in enterprise and entrepreneurship and recognised nationally for her contribution […]

Peer to Peer Learning for Small Business Owners in a Virtual World
The real challenge is to join entrepreneurs in their world – stimulating demand, helping identify priorities for learning and giving the entrepreneur ownership of their own learning opportunities. Crucially, entrepreneurs must be responsible for making their own choices and decisions – the starting point must be for the entrepreneur to choose a partner they trust […]

An insight into the challenges for BAME owned businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic
The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) conducted a ‘listening exercise’ with Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Business owners and trade associations across the country, during the summer of 2020. The purpose of this exercise was to obtain insight from businesses at grass root level, of the challenges for BAME owned businesses during the COVID […]

Cyber Security and Small Business
Since the Coronavirus outbreak, small businesses have faced a deluge of new problems while the world’s economy has shifted to a “new normal”. Millions of small businesses face a fundamental change in the way business owners and their employees work. Social distancing and lockdown has necessitated a significant rise in remote working. Technology has projected […]

Supporting Ex-Prisoners in Establishing Small Businesses
From January 2021, RIFT Social Enterprise (RSE) will be working in partnership with the Faculty of Business and Justice at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan), to pilot a new virtual clinic, supporting ex-prisoners in establishing small businesses. RSE was founded in January 2018 by Jan Post, Chair of the RIFT Group. RIFT Group is a […]
Lloyds Bank Mentoring Case Study – Amy and Komal
Amy, can you tell us about your business and why you wanted to be part of the Enterprise Mentoring Programme? I run a sustainable textile business inspired by the way that embroidery techniques are used to revitalise worn fabrics that would most likely end up in landfill. In addition, I run textile-based workshops which allow […]
Woof’s Treats Are Barking Up The Right Tree With Mentoring
The IOEE Lloyds Banking Group Covid-19 Response Mentoring programme was created to support small and micro-businesses affected by the Covid-19 crisis which has impacted many businesses across all sectors within the UK. In this article we speak to Lloyds Banking Group mentor, Suraj Sridhar and Suraj’s mentee Michelle Bateman who founded Woof’s Treats back in […]

Springing Into Action With Mentoring
The IOEE Lloyds Banking Group Covid-19 Response Mentoring programme was created to support small and micro businesses affected by the Covid-19 crisis which has impacted many businesses across all sectors within the UK. In this article, we speak to Lloyds Banking Group mentor, Alick Jones, Regional Agricultural Manager for the North of England and Social […]

Lloyds Bank Mentoring Case Study – Amy and Komal
Amy, can you tell us about your business and why you wanted to be part of the Enterprise Mentoring Programme? I run a sustainable textile business inspired by the way that embroidery techniques are used to revitalise worn fabrics that would most likely end up in landfill. In addition, I run textile-based workshops which allow […]