Reece Leggett is the Business Leader for the Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education, and an Academic Member of the IOEE. He leads the programme management of Level 3 Business, and his innovative and refreshing approach to teaching entrepreneurship has changed the shape of business courses at the institute, which has been awarded Outstanding in […]
Member Spotlight

Spotlight On… Reece Leggett
Reece Leggett is the Business Leader for the Grimsby Institute of Further and Higher Education, and an Academic Member of the IOEE. He leads the programme management of Level 3 Business, and his innovative and refreshing approach to teaching entrepreneurship has changed the shape of business courses at the institute, which has been awarded Outstanding […]
Spotlight On… Adam Collar
Adam Collar is an Accounts Technician for Karrek Accountants, which is based in Cornwall. Through his accountancy work, Adam met Jackie Jenks of IOEE Academy Leapfrog Mountain, when she came onto his books as a new client, but learning about her business inspired him to get further into learning again. We chatted to Adam about their working […]

Spotlight On… Adam Collar
Adam Collar is an Accounts Technician for Karrek Accountants, which is based in Cornwall. Through his accountancy work, Adam met Jackie Jenks of IOEE Academy Leapfrog Mountain, when she came onto his books as a new client, but learning about her business inspired him to get further into learning again. We chatted to Adam about […]

Back to school in September?
A new academic year brings a fresh start and the opportunity to develop skills and learning. With this in mind, we asked our members about their goals and what they’re hoping to achieve in the next year. We wanted to know if individuals were looking to develop themselves and their business, or if they were […]
Back to school in September?
A new academic year brings a fresh start and the opportunity to develop skills and learning. With this in mind, we asked our members about their goals and what they’re hoping to achieve in the next year. We wanted to know if individuals were looking to develop themselves and their business, or if they were […]

Spotlight On… Steve Hooper
Steve Hooper is the founder and CEO of Site Geek; a website design and digital marketing company this is dedicated to providing companies with ‘full and complete solutions to their inbound marketing requirements’. Having built the company from nothing to the success it is today by being extremely client-focused, Steve now feels that he’s in the […]
Spotlight on… Giuditta Meneghetti
Giuditta Meneghetti is an academic who has recently secured a prestigious post as Curriculum Leader for Business and Public Services at Barking & Dagenham College (BDC), which will begin in August of this year. Giuditta will be influential in rebranding and reshaping the structure and delivery of the college’s Entrepreneur and Enterprise courses, and in preparation […]
A new country, a new language and a brand-new career in the UK – there’s no stopping Fathi Mehdi.
Fathi Mehdi’s journey in enterprise and education is truly inspirational. He arrived in the UK as a refugee only a couple of years ago, and he found himself homeless, speaking very little English, and being uncertain of how to get a job – least of all embarking upon a long-term career. However, despite these enormous […]

Spotlight on… Giuditta Meneghetti
Giuditta Meneghetti is an academic who has recently secured a prestigious post as Curriculum Leader for Business and Public Services at Barking & Dagenham College (BDC), which will begin in August of this year. Giuditta will be influential in rebranding and reshaping the structure and delivery of the college’s Entrepreneur and Enterprise courses, and in […]