OP8 Change job roles and handle redundancy


Why this is important

Sometimes, because of changed economic circumstances or re-organisation of your business, there is a need to review and revise staff roles. This can arise because there is over-capacity in part of your business, your business requires staff with a different skill set or where your business merges with or transfers to another. The outcome of this kind of review can lead to staff being given new job roles and having to make some staff redundant.

Who might do this

You might do this if you need to:

  • review staff roles in response to a change in the market for your products or services;
  • merge with or transfer to another business; or
  • change job roles following a review of your business plan.

What it involves

Changing job roles and handling redundancy involves:

  • making changes to job roles;
  • moving staff to new jobs; and
  • making staff redundant.

Other units that link closely with this

OP1 Review the skills your business needs
OP2 Plan what people your business needs
OP5 Make sure people in your business can do their work
OP6 Develop people's skills for your business
OP7 Deal with workplace problems or disputes
BD4 Carry out a review of your business
BD6 Make changes to improve your business

What you need to do

  1. Carry out a review of staff roles and responsibilities and decide what changes you need to make.
  2. Provide clear and accurate information on any proposed redeployment or redundancy to relevant people at the appropriate time.
  3. Give opportunities for relevant people to comment on proposed redeployment or redundancy and to contribute to any plans for its implementation.
  4. Make sure your case for the proposed redeployment or redundancy is clear and supported by sound evidence.
  5. Make sure your plans for redeployment or redundancy are:
    • comprehensive, accurate and consistent with your business’s values and objectives;
    • take account of the personal qualities, situation and preferences of those involved;
    • are consistent with current employment law; and
    • provide equal opportunities for all those suitably qualified to benefit.
  6. Get and provide sufficient resources to meet the costs of redeployment or redundancy.
  7. Make sure that you consult with the individuals affected or their representatives and explain and discuss the reasons for the change.
  8. Make sure that all redeployment options are considered before taking the decision to let staff go.
  9. Make sure that you get appropriate advice and support when redeploying staff or making them redundant.
  10. Make sure that employees or their representatives are informed about the:
    • reasons for the proposed job changes and/or redundancies;
    • numbers and descriptions of employees affected;
    • proposed method of selecting those who may be made redundant; and
    • how redundancy payments, other than the legal minimum, will be calculated.
  11. Make sure that any procedures followed or actions taken are in line with employment legislation covering redeployment and redundancy.
  12. Make sure that you get specific legal advice on the current laws concerning merger/take-over/acquisition where that is relevant.
  13. Provide information and advice on voluntary and compulsory redundancy procedures and make sure that any provision for help in finding alternative employment is communicated to staff affected.
  14. Carry out exit administration according to agreed processes, schedules and budgets.
  15. Make sure that staff are dealt with courteously and tactfully, and that confidentiality is maintained at all times.
  16. Maintain complete and accurate records of the redeployment or redundancy process.

What you need to know and understand


  1. What is involved in carrying out a review of staff roles and responsibilities.
  2. How to plan for redeployment or redundancy and make sure that these plans are consistent with the values and objectives of your business.
  3. How important it is to take account of the personal qualities, competences, situation and preferences of those involved and understand the constraints which affect the extent to which these factors can influence your final plans.
  4. How to estimate and get the resources needed to support redeployment and redundancy.

Redeployment and redundancy

  1. What the types of situations are in which redeployment or redundancy may be appropriate.
  2. What the factors are that influence decisions on whether redeployment is a feasible option in terms of the medium or long term interests of your business.
  3. How to ensure that your decisions and actions are fair and impartial and take equal opportunities into account.
  4. What your redeployment or redundancy policy and procedures are and how to apply them.
  5. How to work within the available resources and budgets for redeployment or redundancy.
  6. How to locate, access and make use of sources of internal and external advice and information (for example, outplacement and counselling, job seeking, entitlements and benefits).
  7. How to work within a definite timetable for regular reports and acceptable format for providing relevant information.


  1. How to construct and present a case for redeployment or redundancy in a way which will positively influence decision making.
  2. How to communicate the reasons for redeployment or redundancy clearly and simply to the people concerned.
  3. How to listen and respond appropriately to questions and concerns raised by people affected by the redeployment or redundancy or those acting on their behalf.
  4. How important it is and by what means to consult on redeployment or redundancy plans.

Information handling

  1. How to keep full and accurate records of redeployment or redundancy decisions and outcomes.
  2. How to maintain confidentiality when planning and implementing redeployment or redundancy.

Legal requirements

  1. How to ensure that policies, plans, decisions and actions in relation to redeployment or redundancy are in line with current employment law, especially where merger/take-over/acquisitions are concerned..
  2. How to apply the Data Protection Act and its implications for redundancy procedures.
  3. Where to get specialist advice (for example, from ACAS, trade associations, HR consultants or lawyers).